SustaPEEK Natural Sheet

SUSTAPEEK is used for its properties in numerous industries that put very high demands on their materials.

PEEK properties at a glance:

  1. Very high temperature resistance (up to 250°C continuous operating temperature)
  2. Excellent chemical resistance
  3. Good dimensional resistance (low thermal expansion)
  4. Optimal ratio of stiffness, solidity, toughness and minimal tendency to creep
  5. Very good tribological properties (good sliding performance, low wear)
  6. Good radiation resistance
  7. Excellent resistance to hydrolysis
  8. Fire performance: flame-retardant, Low smoke density, No toxic gases
  9. Good machinability
  10. Good bondability and weldability

Product Name SustaPEEK Natural Sheet
Product Group SustaPEEK Natural
Product Code 031
Tags SustaPEEK MG Natural Rod | SustaPEEK MG Natural sheet | SustaPEEK MG Natural tube | sustapeek | peek | Pars Polymer | Rochling | Guarniflon |

SUSTAPEEK is used for its properties in numerous industries that put very high demands on their materials.

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