Polypropylene Sheet

Iranian polypropylene sheet produced by Pars Polymer has high-quality

Features of polypropylene sheet:

  1. High welding capability
  2. High chemical resistance against corrosion
  3. High hardness

Polypropylene sheets are used:

  1. Chemical engineering and tank construction
  2. Ventilation systems
  3. Pump engineering
  4. Construction of plating bath
  5. Chemical tanks
  6. Plating tanks
  7. Fire fighting water tanks (polypropylene copolymer)
  8. Cutting board for food preparation
  9. Semiconductor equipment cabinets and work surfaces

Product Name Polypropylene Sheet
Product Group suggestions ، PP Sheet
Product Code 0301
Tags PP | PP sheet | PP rod | PP tube | polypropylene | polypropylene sheet | polypropylene rod | polypropylene tube | Pars Polymer | Rochling | Guarniflon |

Iranian polypropylene sheet produced by Pars Polymer has high-quality

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